Positive Reinforcement Training

Implementation of Positive Reinforcement Training (PRT) methods for primates to increase the level of cooperation in experimental and management procedure - NA3

Stressful handling of nonhuman primates in conjunction with e.g. blood sampling and injections has a negative impact on animal welfare and can be a confounding factor in biomedical research. PRT reduces the stress that the animals experience during such procedures. As a consequence of such training, experimental results will become more reliable, and safety will be increased, both for animals and personnel. This activity will contribute to the 3R-approach, because the training will reduce anxiety during handling and therefore will improve the quality of data (Refinement). The present activity will ensure that PRT of primates becomes a standard technique across Europe. The aims of this Network Activity are:

  • All network members are committed to implement PRT as a daily routine in at least one of their research projects.
  • PRT techniques will be standardised into Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in the centres of the network members.
  • A professional video explaining and teaching the techniques has been developed. Click here for more information!
  • The results of the work will be presented at conferences and in relevant scientific journals of laboratory animal science and non-human primate biology and ethology.
  • An outreach program with on-site training of personnel will be offered to all European primate centres interested in implementing PRT.

DVD - Training Laboratory Primates:

The 15 minute video contains film clips of trained animals in research settings and demonstrates some of the potential uses of Positve Reinforcement Training (PRT). Each DVD includes a English and a French version, as well as subtitles in Italian, German and Dutch.
The DVD is offered only to primate facilities and not to the general public. If you submit an application, you will be required to sign a declaration about the use of the DVD and return it to us before distribution of the DVD. The application will be subject to approval by EUPRIM-Net. Apply here!
Contact: euprim @ dpz.eu

Workshops on Training Laboratory Primates using Positive Reinforcement
in the EUPRIM-Net partner centres in the Netherlands/Nederland, Italy/Italia, France and Germany/Deutschland and UK.
Please click on the country for further information or contact euprim @ dpz.eu

Workshop on Training Laboratory Primates using Positive Reinforcement at DPZ
is addressed to animal caretakers and trainers working in Neurosciences during the 2nd Annual Meeting of Primate Neurobiology in Göttingen.
Contact: euprim @ dpz.eu

Workshop zum
Training von Primaten mittels „Positiver Verstärkung“ für Tierpfleger, Trainer und technisches Personal in den Neurowissenschaften im Rahmen des 2. Jahrestreffens der Primaten-Neurobiologie am DPZ in Göttingen.
Kontakt: euprim @ dpz.eu
Informationen über Anreise und Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten finden Sie hier.



Workshop zum Training von Primaten mittels „Positiver Verstärkung“ für Tierpfleger, technisches Personal und Trainer, die Umgang mit Primaten haben
Ort: Deutsches Primatenzentrum (Göttingen) - Hörsaal
29.1.2009 Enrichment und Training von Primaten - Einführendes Seminar
09:00 Anmeldung, Begrüßung, Einführung in den Workshop
09.15 - 09.30 DVD – NA3 „Training von Primaten in der Versuchstierhaltung“ (Leonore Burchardt DPZ)
09.30 - 10.30 Enrichment in der Primatenhaltung (Annette Husung DPZ)
10.30 - 11.00 Kaffeepause
11.00 - 13.00 Training von Primaten mittels „Positiver Verstärkung“ Einführung in die Trainingstechniken des „Positive Reinforcement Training“ (PRT)
(Leonore Burchardt DPZ)
13.00 - 14.00 Mittagspause
14.00 - 15.00 DPZ- Führung (Annette Husung DPZ)
15.00 - 15.15 Gruppenfoto und Kaffeepause
15.15 - 17.00 Von Trainer zu Trainer – Erarbeitung von Trainingsprojekten mittels PRT (Leonore Burchardt DPZ)

Kursbeschreibung und Trainingsterminologie: bitte hier klicken
Anmeldung: bitte hier klicken

Kontakt: euprim @ dpz.eu
Informationen über Anreise und Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten finden Sie hier.

Ore 9.30
Introductory Workshop: Training Laboratory Primates using Positive Reinforcement in Italy
The workshop will be held in Roma, Italia at Centro Ricerche Casaccia. Click here for more information in Italian!

30/11/2007 Training von Primaten mittels „Positiver Verstärkung“ - Ein einführender Workshop für Tierpfleger, Deutsches Primatenzentrum
Der Vortrag wird auf Englisch gehalten und ins Deutsche übersetzt.

Der 3stündige Workshop der erfahrenen Tiertrainerin Karolina Westlund vom Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control richtet sich an Tierpfleger und Techniker, die im Bereich der Primatenhaltung arbeiten. 

Für Wissenschaftler und Tierärzte bieten wir einen Vortrag über PRT innerhalb unserer Kurs-Serie über Primatenbiologie.

Positive Reinforcement Training Methods for Primates - An Introductory Workshop for Animal Caretakers, German Primate Center
The lecture will be translated into German

This 3h workshop is conducted by Karolina Westlund, an experienced animal trainer of the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, and is addressed to animal caretakers and trainers.

Scientists and Veterinarians are also welcome, however, we offer a lecture on Positive Reinforcement Training within our course series which is more specific to this target group.

Abstract und Anmeldung/abstract and registration: hier klicken/click here (de/en)
Anreise und Unterkunft/travel and accommodation: hier klicken/click here (en)
24-25/10/2006 2. Workshop on Positive Reinforcement Training of Non-Human Primates
The workshop will be held in Stockholm at the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control. Invited are Prof. Steve Schapiro and the experienced trainer Jaine Perlman, both from USA, who will demonstrate what can be accomplished by using positive reinforcement training and operant conditioning in the handling of non-human primates.
08-21/05/2006 1. Workshop on Positive Reinforcement Training of Non-Human Primates
The workshop at the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control in Stockholm consists of two parts: Part 1 - Discrimination level workshop - Teaching fundamental principles of applied behavior

analysis; mechanical skills (timing); developing observing skills; training philosophy. Part 2 - Criteria-Cueing level workshop - Teach applied behavior analytic procedures; plan simple training tasks; evaluate behavior; establish reinforcement criteria for simple cued and non-cued behaviors.


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