EUPRIM-Net Courses on general primate biology

LAS Programme

Day 1:
Welcome, information on EUPRIM-Net course series and organizational issues
Neurobiology I: Experimental designs in neurobiology 
Neurobiology II: Telemetric systems 
Lunch Break  
In vivo imaging in animal research
Field Research

Day 2:
Measuring animal behaviour
Lunch Break 
Stem cell biology 
Infection research 
Basic laboratory & surgery training (practical*) 
In vivo imaging in animal research (practical*) (at Imaging Facilities) 

Handling of laboratory primates (theory) 
Legal Issues and responsibilities 
Good laboratory practice 
Lunch Break 
Ethics and animal welfare
Training of laboratory primates  

Day 4:
Primates in biomedical research 
Veterinary procedures in nonhuman primates 
Appropriate husbandry/housing conditions 
Health monitoring in primate colonies 
Guided tour DPZ  
Handling of laboratory primates (practical*) 
Good scientific practice and the 3Rs in animal research 

Day 5:
Statistical analysis and biometry 
Exam for Function A and B 

To successfully complete the course, exams of both E-Learning and on-site course must be passed.

* due to legal requirements hands-on training involving live primates cannot be conducted
